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ヴァイオリン 甲斐史子(かい ふみこ)
ピアノ 大須賀かおり(おおすが かおり)

2001年8月、デュオ “ROSCO” を結成。

Violin   Fumiko KAI
Piano      Kaori OHSUGA

In 2001, Fumiko Kai and Kaori Ohsuga formed violin and piano duo “ROSCO”. In 2002, ROSCO won the First Prize at the Kyogaku V of the 5th Contemporary Music Performance Competition by Japan Society for Contemporary music sponsorship and received the 12th Asahi Contemporary Music Award at the same time. In 2003, ROSCO held a recital to commemorate the award at the Music Exhibition 2003. In the same year, ROSCO received the Aoyama Barocksaal Award of the Music Performance Competition by Aoyama Music Foundation in Kyoto. In 2020, ROSCO won the 75th Agency for Cultural Affairs Art festival excellence award for "Four Sonatas for Violin and Piano" by Chares Ives released from Kojima Recordings Inc.

甲斐 史子

ジパングレーベルより3枚のCDをリリース。2019年リリース、ALMレーベル チャールズ・アイヴズ「ヴァイオリンとピアノのためのソナタ全集」が文化庁芸術祭優秀賞受賞。

Fumiko KAI
Completed the graduate course of Toho College of music after receiving B.D. from the same college.
Won the 1st prize in the 3rd “Toshiya Eto violin competition”, and the prize at the 5th competition for contemporary music players held by JSCM as well as received the 12th Asahi contemporary music award in 2003 and Aoyama Barocksaal prize in 2003. Received Kranichsteiner Music Prize from the Darmstadt Music Institute in 2006.
A member of the professional ensemble group specialized in contemporary music named “Ensemble Nomad” which performs inside and out Japan including “Gaudeams Music Days 2000 in Holland”, “A temp Music Festival” in Venezuela and Paris and “Huddersfield contemporary music Festival” in UK.
Awrded the 75th Agency for Cultural Affairs Art festival excellence prize for "Four Sonatas for Violin and Piano" by Chares Ives released from Kojima Recordings Inc.

大須賀  かおり


Kaori Ohsuga studied at Toho Gaken College Music Department and completed the ensemble diploma course. She won the Second Prize of the 9th Competition of Japan Chamber Music. In 2001, she formed the piano-violin duo "ROSCO" and won the First Prize at the "Kyogaku V" of the 5th Contemporary Music Performance Competition and received the 12th Asahi Contemporary Music Award at the same time. In 2003, she received the Aoyama Baroquesaar Award of the Music Performance Competition.
Kaori Ohsuga is engaged in the premiere of more than 300 works and the CD recording of many composers including solo and chamber music. In 2020, She won the 75th Agency for Cultural Affairs Art festival excellence award for "Four Sonatas for Violin and Piano" by Chares Ives released from Kojima Recordings Inc.
Member of Association FRANCO-JAPONAISE de la Musique Contemporaine.
Lecturer of Toho Gakuen college of drama and music, Tokyo Seitoku college, and Yaei high school music department.

Copyright Kaori Ohsuga.All rights reserved.